A.J. from New Mexico colored his lips for my Men’s Fashion Week painting project.
4” X 6” Acrylic on canvas
Did you know ancient Egyptians wore lipstick to show status rather than gender? Sumerian men and women were maybe the first to invent and wear lipstick 5,000 years ago! Makeup companies have been trying to sell to men for decades, but the big challenge is getting men to believe they can still look masculine. I believe these portraits say it all.
This collection was initially inspired by the young men at their jobs in Belfast, Northern Ireland who I saw working in restaurants or electronic stores or just walking around town looking like "regular dudes" and wear makeup and nail polish. It gives me the sense that make-up has become more integrated into the sphere of what is socially acceptable, because they weren’t dressed with any flair besides a little color they applied to their bodies. They still sport scruffy short hair, facial hair, jeans and sneakers, some old t-shirt. You know.
Lately, people around me are saying things like “First time I’ve worn lipstick in a year!”
After global lipstick sales dropped almost 50% during covid, they’re back on the rise as people are vaccinated and masks become less mandatory, depending on your location. As we enter into Men’s Fashion Week for June/July 2021, I’ve pulled out the paintbrushes for the second installment of this portrait collection. One day I’ll have enough for a big show.
I’m looking for more men to participate. Would you like to be painted applying lipstick?
Send a video or photo of yourself applying lipstick to my instagram @evaavenue or email it to studio@evaavenue.com
David from Northern Ireland was recommended by a colleague and he was happy to oblige. I love the mix of coral red lipstick with the green army fatigue hoodie. 8” X 6” Acrylic on canvas
NY-based artist Sucklord sent me a few photos and I couldn’t resist the one with rose-colored light bouncing off his cheeks. 8” X 6” Acrylic on canvas
Noah, a teacher, has a naturally wild sense of style and was happy to apply lipstick for my painting project for Men’s Fashion Week. I painted this from a video he sent. This is the first I did in the series so it’s more scratchy sloppy than the rest, which I actually love. 4” X 6” Acrylic on canvas
I did a double take when Josh Stuyvesant from New Mexico sent me a video applying lipstick. It was a pleasure to paint him over a grid I imposed onto the canvas while watching Factory Girl. 9” X 12” Acrylic on canvas